
Micro: By Micheal Crichton and Richard Preston

Micheal Crichton is the author of Jurassic Park. The manuscript of Micro was found half finished on his desk after he died. Richard Preston finished it.

Vincent Drake, the president of Nanigen-a mysterious company researching nano technology- invites seven graduate students who are studying different aspects of biology, to visit his company.
Peter Jansen (one of the students) finds that his brother, Eric Jansen, who was one of the directors of Nanigen, died of a boat accident. The fact is, Eric was a good swimmer and he knew sailing pretty well.

Before going to Hawaii, where Nanigen is situated, Peter receives a text from his brother just before the time of his death: Don't Come. What could the text mean?

After investigating more into the death of his brother, he is convinced that Vin Drake was responsible for the murder of his brother. Peter plans to reveal Vin to the rest of his friends through a hidden microphone. But unfortunately, Vincent severely injures Peter, though, because of the microphone, the rest of the students also learnt of Vincent's murder.

What does Vin do? He cannot have any evidence. So, faking an emergency, he rushes all the students to the Tensor generator, an incredibly technology developed by Nanigen to shrink humans and other objects, using great magnetic fields,  to nano size so that they can investigate soil ecosystems. 

After turning the students to the size of half an inch, he plans to murder them, because he cannot have any evidence. But Alyson, the Chief Executive of Nanigen, rescues them but accidentally drops them at Fern Gully Forest. 

Vin, suspecting that the students will die either in the rainforest or after 2-3 days by which time they will develop micro-bends (a sickness that only happens to humans after spending some time in their small size), leaves them but murders Alyson, making it look like she was drunk.

The students, being biologists, adapt well in the micro world and their knowledge in different aspects of biology helps them to find food, shelter and to run from predators.
Vincent shrinks two security officers of Nanigen and sends them to find the students.

Will Peter, Erika, Karen, Rick, Danny, Jen and Amar survive everything that the micro-world throws at them? 
Read the book to find out!

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